Live Updates On The Budget 2024: When Will FM Nirmala Sitharaman Make The Announcement Of The Seventh Budget

Fm Nirmala Sitharaman Make The Announcement Of The Seventh Budget

The Budget 2024 announcement is eagerly awaited by millions of Indians, as it marks a crucial moment in the country’s economic calendar. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is set to present the seventh budget under the Modi administration, which has been in power since 2014. This will be the third budget of Modi’s third term, colloquially known as Modi 3.0. As the date for the budget presentation approaches, citizens, businesses, and investors alike are keenly following live updates and speculations about what this year’s budget might entail.

Historical Context and Significance

The Union Budget is the government’s yearly financial statement that details its projected revenues and expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year. It is a key instrument for economic policy and planning, reflecting the government’s priorities and strategies for development. Each budget cycle is critical, but Budget 2024 carries particular significance due to several factors.

Firstly, it comes at a time when the global economy is still grappling with the aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions. Secondly, this budget will set the tone for the upcoming general elections, expected in 2025. Therefore, it is likely to focus not only on long-term structural reforms but also on measures aimed at immediate relief and economic revival.

Expected Date and Schedule

Traditionally, the Union Budget is presented on the first day of February, and Budget 2024 is expected to follow this schedule. This suggests that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is expected to announce the budget on February 1, 2024. The presentation usually begins at 11:00 AM IST and is delivered in a session of the Parliament.

In the weeks leading up to the budget, the Ministry of Finance engages in extensive consultations with various stakeholders, including industry bodies, economists, and social sector representatives. These consultations aim to gather inputs and suggestions that could be incorporated into the budget. Additionally, the Economic Survey, which reviews the state of the economy over the past year and sets the context for the budget, is typically presented a day before the budget announcement.

Key Areas of Focus

While the exact details of the budget will only be known on the day of the announcement, certain key areas are expected to receive significant attention.

  1. Economic Recovery and Growth: Following the pandemic, boosting economic recovery remains a primary goal. Measures to boost infrastructure development, enhance manufacturing capabilities, and support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are anticipated.
  2. Healthcare and Education: The epidemic emphasized the significance of strong healthcare and educational systems. Increased allocation for public health infrastructure, medical research, and educational reforms are likely to be featured.
  3. Agriculture and Rural Development: Given the significant role agriculture plays in the Indian economy, especially in rural areas, policies aimed at improving agricultural productivity, providing better market access, and ensuring farmer welfare will be crucial.
  4. Digital Economy and Innovation: The push towards a digital economy is expected to continue, with incentives for technology startups, investments in digital infrastructure, and policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
  5. Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Climate change and environmental sustainability are becoming increasingly important. The budget may introduce new initiatives for renewable energy, pollution control, and sustainable agricultural practices.

Live Updates and Media Coverage

As the budget date approaches, news outlets and financial analysts will provide continuous updates and expert opinions. In the digital age, live coverage through television channels, online portals, and social media platforms ensures that the latest information is accessible to a broad audience in real-time.

Major financial news networks such as CNBC-TV18, ET Now, and Bloomberg Quint will likely have extensive pre-budget analyses, panel discussions, and live reporting on the day of the announcement. Additionally, the official website of the Ministry of Finance will provide timely updates and access to budget documents.

Anticipations and Speculations

Speculations around budget announcements are always rife, and this year is no exception. Analysts are predicting potential changes in tax policies, including adjustments in income tax slabs to provide relief to the middle class and stimulate consumption. There is also speculation about increased capital expenditure to drive infrastructure projects, which in turn could spur job creation and economic activity.

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Furthermore, policy measures aimed at attracting foreign investment, enhancing ease of doing business, and supporting the startup ecosystem are anticipated. As always, the balance between fiscal prudence and growth-oriented spending will be a key area of focus for the government.


The announcement of Budget 2024 by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is a highly anticipated event that will shape India’s economic trajectory for the coming year. As live updates and detailed analyses unfold, the nation will be keenly watching the government’s strategies to navigate the complex economic era and drive growth and development in the Modi 3.0 era. The budget will not only reflect the current economic priorities but also set the stage for India’s future aspirations on the global stage.

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